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What to expect, depending on your situation, if you become Tim Stoen’s client in an environmental case:
Aggressive Representation
He will aggressively work to vindicate the rights of environmentalists and businesses to achieve win-win solutions between opponents whenever possible, and, when necessary to go to trial, to put on the most convincing case for his clients.
Strong understanding
He will do the required research of the statutes, regulations, and case law that bear on your particular issue. These laws are often conflicting and require seasoned analysis.a licensed toxicologist.
He will appear on your behalf, as required, before a board of supervisors, planning commission, planning department, or other agency, and will carefully prepare documents optimizing justification for the agency to rule on your behalf.
Negotiating Civil Cases
If you are charged with a civil environmental offense, he will meet with the enforcement agencies involved and present your case as persuasively as is possible, including negotiating minimum fines and fees.
Litigating Civil Cases
In such cases, if negotiation fails, he will be able to strategize and execute a solid civil litigation case on your behalf, including the filing of persuasive motions on every issue.
Negotiating and Trying Criminal Cases
If you are charged in a criminal environmental case, he will seek to show the enforcement agency that there are alternatives to a conviction, including dismissal, that would best serve the agency’s mission statement. If that fails, he will represent you at trial with the sure-footed confidence that comes from many environmental jury trial wins under his belt.